View your transactions, monthly statements and print out receipts for your Chit Chats account.
- Log in to your Chit Chats account
- Click on Settings / Credits & Billing
In your Credits & Billing settings you can find a section titled, “Billing” with 3 options:
- Current Statement
- All Statements
- All Transactions
Find details on what each of these entail below.
Current Statement
This is a snapshot of your balance for the current month.
Opening Balance
This is the credit amount you began the statement period with.
Payments and Adjustments
These are transactions for credits that were added to your account or any other adjustments (i.e. postage adjustments). You can see further details of these transactions broken down by clicking on the arrow icon. This will expand to show the transaction details.
Charges and Refunds
These are transactions for credits that were deducted from your account. You can see further details of these transactions broken down by clicking on the arrow icon. This will expand to show the transaction details.
Closing Balance
This is the credit amount you ended the statement period with.
Opening to Closing Date
This is the statement period. Your first transaction of the month marks the opening date and your latest transaction marks the closing date.
Amount Due
This is the amount that is currently owing in your account.
All Statements
This is where you will be able to find past monthly statements.

You can choose to download your monthly Statement Summary (or invoice) as a PDF. Your Statement Summary will include all transactions and GST/HST/QST registration numbers for your internal records. This is a helpful option if you need to pull information for your business records (i.e. taxes).
Or you can choose to export all transactions for the statement as a CSV file. To view a summary of all transactions spanning a period longer than a month (e.g. a year), please refer to the section below.
All Transactions
In this section you can either print the page or download the CSV version of your Transactions report. Use filters like the Date, Category (e.g. payment, charge, refund, or return) or Type (e.g. postage fee) to narrow your search.

If you are specifically looking for your payment history with Chit Chats (i.e. when you have added credits to your account), select “Add Credits” from the list of transaction types.
Find all of the taxes you’ve been charged for postage, goods and services at any time by viewing your transactions page.
To obtain a summary of all transactions spanning a period longer than a month, utilize the filter to select the desired timeframe. Afterwards, export the transactions as a CSV file. By using Excel or Google Sheets, you can filter and sum the data, allowing you to view the total transactions for that specific period.
To find details about any specific transaction, click on the transaction number. This will bring up details and can be used as a receipt of the transaction.