If you would like to manage U.S. returns yourself, you have the option to add your own U.S. return address in your return settings. If you do not have a U.S. return address, we suggest renting a PO Box that you can use to manage returns yourself. USPS offers low cost PO Box rentals. 

Using your own return address will direct your U.S. return shipments to this address and not one of Chit Chats’ facilities. You will not be charged any return fees for the return shipments that you manage yourself.*

We do not currently have the option to add your own Canadian return address and we charge a return fee to process Canadian customer returns without a Chit Chats return label. For example, if your recipient opted to return an order by going directly to another carrier like Canada Post or FedEx. 

Adding your U.S. return address

To make your U.S. return address your default return address, head to your returns settings (Settings, bottom-left > Returns) and:

  1. Click Add U.S. Return Address under “My own U.S. return addresses”
  2. Enter the address details. Your return name must be 44 characters or less.
  3. Click save. If you have multiple U.S. return addresses, you can add another and choose one to use as a default for your shipments.
  4. Select your return address from the drop-down menu under “Default U.S. return address”.

Your default address will be used to create new shipments unless you select another address during the 'Postage' step when creating shipments manually.

Or if you import your shipments using our API, you have the flexibility of adding a custom U.S. return address for individual shipments by using the optional return address fields. When these fields are left blank, your default U.S. return address will be used instead. Note: importing with a custom return address will not save the address in your return settings.

Selecting From Your Custom U.S. Return Addresses for Select Shipments

If you manage your returns through two or more of your own U.S. return addresses, you can easily toggle between them when creating your shipments as well.  

  1. In your account setting for Returns, make sure Use My Own U.S. Return Address is your default selection
    • You'll need to add all of your custom U.S. return addresses to your settings first in order to toggle between them.
  2. Create your shipment as normal or go to edit a shipment before purchasing the postage 
  3. At the Postage step, under "How should this shipment be returned?" select your preferred custom U.S. Return address from the drop down menu

If you change your mind and would like to have Chit Chats manage your returns, you will need to submit a Power of Attorney document. You will also need to update your return settings in order to toggle between having Chit Chats manage your returns, and choosing to dispose of others on a shipment by shipment basis. To update that setting: 

  1. Navigate to your return settings. 

  2. Select Chit Chats U.S. Return Service as your ‘Default U.S. Return Address'

  3. Save the changes by clicking ‘OK’ on the prompt.
  4. Please note these changes will only be applied to new shipments you create moving forward.



Updates to your default return address must be made prior to purchasing shipments in order for the changes to be applied. If you change your mind and would like to have Chit Chats manage your returns, you will need to submit a Power of Attorney document and register for CARM