Learn how to resolve the most common errors that occur when importing shipments from your connected store. If you are looking for help importing from a CSV, learn how to troubleshoot here.

Some accounts may experience an error when fulfilling orders from connected stores. To resolve this, start by reconnecting your store in your settings. If the issue persists with connecting your store or fulfilling orders, please reach out to us for assistance or review the other common errors below for more guidance.

Orders are not Importing

Cybersecurity Plug-in

If your e-commerce store uses a cybersecurity plug-in, ensure that Chit Chats’ IP addresses are included in your allowlist.

For example, WooCommerce stores using Cloudflare as a plug-in are known to block Chit Chats’ IP addresses. To allow imports, make sure to add the following IP addresses to your allowlist:

  • IPv4:
  • IPv6:
  • 2600:1f13:518:2900::/56

Order is not ready to be shipped

Orders that are fulfilled, partially fulfilled, partially refunded or unpaid will not be imported. Make sure that your order details are complete, ‘unfulfilled’ or ‘awaiting shipment’ and paid in full before you import your shipments. If an order only has a billing address, please make sure to add a valid shipping address in your connected store.

If you have already started your import, you may need to cancel your current import and start again to see your updated orders. Do this by clicking on ‘Cancel and Start New Import’ at the bottom of the Importing page.

Order is too old

You may experience difficulties with importing shipments older than 60 days. In these cases you may need to manually create shipments for these orders or import using the Chit Chats CSV file importer.

Store rate limit reached

In order to regulate the demand on the system at any one time, there is a limit to the number of shipments that can be imported to Chit Chats from a selling platform. If other users attempt to import a large number of shipments at once, the rate limit may be hit. We recommend waiting 20 min before trying to import again. Alternatively, you can use the Chit Chats CSV file importer or if you have a ShipStation account, you can first import into ShipStation then import using our ShipStation integration.

The postage type is not compatible 

Not all postage options can be used with every package type. The correct service must be paired with your packaging in order to provide a postage rate and to avoid shipping errors.

Please note that the cheapest_postage_type_requested field can only be used for shipments to U.S. addresses and will cause an error when used for Canadian and international shipments.

Fulfillment Notification Errors

These are errors in sending back fulfillment and tracking information to your store for your customers. Most resolutions will involve either updating your orders manually or updating your fulfilment preferences. Learn more on how to change your store fulfillment settings.

Order already fulfilled

If you have created more than one shipment in your Chit Chats account with the same order number, you may see this error. You may also see this error if you manually fulfilled the order in your connected store. 

Order not found

You may need to check that your shipment has the correct order ID. If this has been altered, you may have trouble with fulfilling the order from your Chit Chats account.

Order has been cancelled

Our platform will attempt to send a fulfillment notification even after you have cancelled an order. You may want to adjust your fulfillment settings.

Carrier not supported by Integration

ShipStation and WooCommerce does not currently support Chit Chats tracking. This means that our tracking updates are not recognized. You will need to mark orders as shipped from within your ShipStation or WooCommerce account when using Chit Chats tracking. 

If you would like to see this change in the future, we recommend submitting a request for a Chit Chats integration on ShipStation's website.

Multiple fulfillment locations

If you have multiple fulfillment locations for your Shopify store, you will need to select a default location for our platform to know which to send notifications back to. When you first connect your Shopify store, this will be your primary location ID. 

To add more locations or change your default, go to Settings > Sales Channels and click "Edit" next to your connected Shopify store.

Importing shipments that belong to the wrong fulfillment location, will result in fulfillment errors like:

  • All line items must be stocked at the same location.
  • None of the items are stocked at the same location.
  • All line items of a fulfillment must use the same fulfillment service

To resolve this you can either:

  1. Import only the orders from your default location. Then allow them to be fulfilled before switching your default location to import the remainder of your shipments from the new location.
  2. Import all orders from your default location then switch your default. You can then delete and reimport the shipments with the fulfillment errors from the new default location.
  3. Fulfill any shipments with fulfillment errors manually. 

Learn more on how to change your store fulfillment settings.

Server errors

Fulfillment notifications require communication with your connected store but sometimes server issues can interrupt this. Our platform will often retry when the server is available but you may need to try again later manually.

Other Tips for Importing from Your Store

  • Make sure that you are using compatible package and postage types
  • Ensure your shipment descriptions are at least 3 characters in length and provided in English. A second language is optional. This is because English is the designated language for our international shipping partners which also include any U.S. bound shipments. 
  • Be mindful of the weight and dimensional limits for the services you choose. Not all stores import the total ship weight or dimensions for your shipment. Ensure that imported weights include the total weight of all items, plus the weight of your packaging.
  • Double check that the correct value was imported for your shipments in the correct currency. 
    • If you have special pricing for a promotion, discount or subscription, be sure to check that the full retail value is imported. 
    • If an item was free, your shipment may import with a value of $0.01. You will need to edit the shipment and update the value before importing.

Need more help?

If you are still having difficulty troubleshooting your import, please contact us with the following:

  • Your client ID
  • The store you are trying to import from (e.g. Etsy, Shopify, etc.)
  • Screenshots of the error message you are receiving