Waiting for a delivery is always the hardest part of online shopping! Your seller will always be the best point of contact for any questions about your order, concerns about delays, damage or lost shipments. But, there are some things you can do to put your mind at ease while you wait.
Check the estimated delivery time
Delivery estimates can help you plan when to expect your package. They vary based on the service used and where your shipment is travelling from. These are not shipping guarantees and most delivery estimates are displayed in business days which mean they do not include weekends.
Find the delivery estimate for your shipment on the tracking page that your seller shared with you.
Need help understanding your tracking? See our breakdown of tracking statuses.
If your tracking shows that your shipment is delivered and you still haven’t received it, please contact your seller for next steps.
Check for delays
Shipping Delays
Minor delays of one to three days due to weather, customs processing and operational challenges can occur from time to time. The tracking page is always the best source of updates on your shipment, we’ll always keep you updated on any known service delays that could impact your shipment.
Customs Issues
If your shipment requires further investigation at a Customs checkpoint (U.S. or international), you may expect a later delivery estimate. Each destination country conducts customs checks according to their laws and regulations. Customs clearance is beyond Chit Chats' control. Detailed inspections or the paying of taxes and duties may delay your shipment and this varies country to country.
Check for a return
In most cases when a delivery cannot be completed as planned, an undeliverable shipment is returned to the sender. Some reasons could be:
- Incorrect postage
- Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address
- Addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased)
- Mail unclaimed by recipient
- Mail refused by the addressee at the time of delivery
- Mail refused by the addressee after delivery (when permitted by the carrier)
If your shipment is being returned, you may see tracking updates as it makes its way back to the sender. If this is the case, you should contact your seller for next steps and information on their return policy.
Check for loss or damage
Although rare, if you haven’t received your shipment and it is beyond the estimated delivery time with no other known delays, it may have run into an issue along its journey. In order to know more, your seller will need to work with our support team to open an investigation or they may choose to file an insurance claim. In either case, it is best to contact your seller directly for next steps.
In the unfortunate case that your shipment is lost, your seller may ask you to submit a statement of non-receipt in order to file an insurance claim.