The estimated delivery time is how many business days you can expect delivery to take after Chit Chats receives your shipment. These timelines are estimates and are not guaranteed

Your delivery time estimates depends on:

  • Your Chit Chats region
  • Where your shipment is headed (i.e. a domestic vs international destination)
    • U.S. delivery estimates vary for destinations outside of the contiguous United States
      • U.S. territories (i.e. Alaska, Hawaii) delivery can take longer depending on the transportation available as shipments may travel by sea.
      • APO/FPO military addresses have longer delivery transit times.
    • Canadian remote addresses have longer estimated delivery times due to limited transportation links.
    • International delivery estimates vary by country and customs clearance can impact transit times. 
  • Your choice of service.

You can find the estimated delivery for your shipment on the Chit Chats tracking page that your seller shared with you.

If you have not received your shipment and it is beyond the estimated delivery time, we recommend getting in touch with the seller to discuss next steps.

Estimated delivery times by service:

Delivery estimates are not guaranteed as unexpected delays can occur. You can always find the latest updates on service delays here.

U.S. territories and APO/FPO military addresses have longer delivery times that can sometimes take up to 20 business days. 

ServiceAverage Estimated Delivery Time
Chit Chats Select
Chit Chats Slim
Chit Chats Canada Tracked
Chit Chats U.S Select4-9
Chit Chats U.S. Edge3-6
Chit Chats U.S. Slim3-10
USPS Priority Mail2-4
Chit Chats International Tracked
