Delivery confirmation is a tracking status verifying your shipment was delivered to your customer. Delivery confirmation is not the same as signature confirmation which is an additional service that requires a signature from the recipient at the time of delivery.
Shipments left on a doorstep or in a mailbox can still receive a delivery confirmation.
US & Canada
Delivery confirmation is available | Delivery confirmation is not available |
*Note: Services that do not support delivery confirmation will change their status to ‘Delivery Assumed’ after an allocated time period, 7 days after original ship date for Chit Chats Slim and Chit Chats U.S. Slim, and 30 days for USPS First Class Mail respectively.
The availability of delivery confirmation varies by country. In some countries, the local postal operator (e.g. Royal Mail in Great Britain) may email you to confirm delivery or contact details for your customer. You can include contact details like a phone number or email for your customer when creating shipments to help with a smooth delivery.
See the list of countries we ship to here.