If you are not located near a Chit Chats location there is no need to worry. There are still ways for you to use our services.
If you are unable to visit a branch or drop spot you have two options to get your packages to a Chit Chats location for processing. Chit Chats will process shipments once we receive them at one of our hub branches. Shipments cannot be taken directly to our partner carriers.
1. Discounted Canpar pickups
We have partnered with Canpar to provide courier pickups from your location. You can conveniently schedule a courier pickup from your Chit Chats account. This will give you access to our discounted rates. The pickup service is handled by Canpar directly who will bring your packages to a Chit Chats location. Please note that this option may not be available in more remote areas.
Alternative options:
- In Calgary, Ottawa, GTA, Kitchener, Waterloo, Vancouver, or Winnipeg? Use a courier like Trexity
- In Edmonton? Contact Deeleeo (send an email to [email protected] for special Chit Chats rates)
2. Mail in shipments
Mailing in shipments can save you time and money when compared with national carriers. Send us your shipments using a shipping carrier or courier of your own choice. Buy and print postage for your individual shipments with our great tracked postage options. Then you simply consolidate and ship them to a Chit Chats hub.
Mail-in shipments can only be sent to a regional hub.
- In BC the hub is our Richmond branch.
- In Alberta the hub is our Calgary branch.
- In Ontario the hub is our Burlington branch.
- In Quebec the hub is our Saint-Laurent branch.
- For the Atlantic region the hub is our Bedford branch.
Please note that mailing in shipments may add slightly to transit times.
The maximum weight of your consolidated shipments should be no more than 50 lbs. For safety reasons, we recommend that your shipment be light enough for you to lift comfortably.
How to mail in your shipments
- Create or sign in to your Chit Chats account to create your shipments. If you are located in a remote area or a region with no Chit Chats (i.e. Saskatchewan or Manitoba), be sure to select the Chit Chats region that you will be mailing into.
- Print your postage labels and prepare your shipments.
- Consolidate your shipments in a larger box. Be sure to include a batch label for the shipments you are sending.
- Mail-in your consolidated shipment to your Chit Chats hub with the third party of your choice. Please write the branch name and 'mail-in' on your consolidated shipment e.g. "Chit Chats Richmond MAIL-IN".
If you need more assistance with how to mail in shipments, please reach out to our support team from the help widget in your account.
New Location Requests
We are always looking to bring our services to more Canadians. If you would like to see a Chit Chats location in your city, please let us know with the following:
- Your name and postal code
- Your email
- The number of shipments you send per month
- The city you would like Chit Chats to come to
If you have a Chit Chats account, subscribe to our mailing listing for updates on new locations and features.