Once you’ve connected your store, shop or selling platform to Chit Chats, you are ready to begin importing orders into your account.

Importing orders does not purchase postage for your shipments. After you import, it is important to verify the accuracy of all the information before buying your postage. 

It is the shipper’s responsibility to provide accurate information as any inaccurate information can result in:

How to import Store Orders

  1. Log in to your Chit Chats account and click on Import (top-left).
  2. Select the connected store that you wish to import from. If you have more than one connected store, you will need to complete separate imports.
  3. During the Select Shipments step you will see all of your unshipped or unfulfilled orders. You can import all orders or select just the few that you wish to import. 
    • If you are having trouble seeing newer orders, you may need to cancel the import and start a new one.*
  4. At the top of the page, under Import into Batch, select whether you want to import your shipments into a new or existing batch.
  5. Click on Edit Orders, if you need to make any changes to shipment details such as the weight, dimensions, package type or postage type. You can apply shipping presets or bulk edit shipment detail before importing to quickly update many shipments at once.
  6. Once you are happy with your changes, click Import Orders.

Congratulations! You have now imported your orders into Chit Chats. Go to your newly created batch or to your Pending tab to view your shipments before selecting, buying and printing your postage.

You can choose when to fulfill your orders, mark them as shipped in your store and send your customers tracking by changing your store fulfillment settings.

More Details on Editing Orders

If you decide to make changes to your shipment descriptions with the bulk editing tool or shipping presets, the original description from your store will be saved and displayed for your reference in the shipment menu. Please note that these features are not available for content descriptions and retail values for your international shipments. This is because you must provide a detailed customs description including specific quantity and retail value for each item in every international shipment you import. Whenever available, our integrations will pull this information for your orders.

With some of our integrations (e.g. Etsy, Shopify, etc.) if shipment weights and dimensions are available this will be imported as well as optional shipment attributes such as shop names, SKUs and Tags. For other integrations like WooCommerce, we recommend using the bulk editor or shipping presents to input shipping weights and dimensions. You can refer to the chart below to see what stores import which information onto the Chit Chats platform.

If you would like to import your preferred postage option, then we recommend using Chit Chats CSV file or Chit Chats API to import you shipments. Alternatively, if you have connected your store with your Chit Chats account, you can edit your shipments manually or apply a preset to automatically choose the cheapest postage rate for your U.S. shipments.

*Only orders that are unshipped, unfulfilled or “Awaiting shipment” will be recognized. Fulfilled or partially-fulfilled or unpaid orders will not be imported. You may experience issues importing shipments older than 60 days. Integrating your store will not display live Chit Chats shipping rates to your customers but many Chit Chats clients find it helpful to create standard shipping rates for their items based on our pricing.

Summary of information received from store integrations

For stores that do not import shipment dimensions or weights, we suggest for you to use shipping presets or bulk editing tools to update any missing information. 

Please note that certain stores do not import tax reference numbers, such as HS codes and VAT reference numbers. If you are using a store where it is not automatically pulled, you will have to manually add it to your applicable shipments.