Follow the instructions below to import multiple shipments at one time.
1. Make a copy of our sample Chit Chats CSV file
There are two versions of our CSV template to help you create shipments:
- Standard CSV: NOTE: This version will be completely phased out September 2nd, 2024 use the Advanced CSV.
- Advanced CSV: Recommended for importing shipments, supports line item view. With this template, you will be asked to detail each of the package's contents on a separate row. Each row represents a line item, connected by an order ID column. An order ID or unique number is required when importing shipments with an advanced CSV file.
The Chit Chats Standard CSV template does not include a field for HS codes. You will have to manually add an HS code after importing the shipment.
- Select the postage_type: "unknown" or leave this field blank
- Import shipments with the CSV template
- After importing your shipment, manually input the HS code for the shipment items before selecting the desired postage option.
To import HS codes via CSV, use the Chit Chats advance CSV template.
From there, make a copy so that you can add your shipments. There are two ways to do this:
- If you have a Google account, ensure that you are signed in. Select File > Make a copy ..
- Without a Google account, select File > Download as > Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet) to download a copy of the template onto your computer.
2. Add your shipment data to the new document
Add your shipment data to the document by reviewing and following the column requirements (hover over the black triangles in top-right corner of each column header)
It is important to follow each column requirement exactly, or else your import may fail.
Refer to the table below for the available columns for either the Standard or Advanced template version. Note that the fields in bold are required.
The new columns in the Advanced template are:
- order_id (Mandatory)
- The same order ID must be used for each shipment item if there are multiple items in one package. If there is no order id for your shipment, designate a number to associate all items for the same shipment since this is a required field.
- For example:
- order_id 133 contains 3 art prints and 2 sticker pins
- order _id 8787 did not have a specific order id so 8787 is the unique number allocated for all items in this shipment (1 handmade planter, 2 handmade crochet pin and 4 plastic plant stick)
- Item_quantity
- Item_description
- Item_unit_value
- Item_country_of_origin
- Item_hs_code
- Minimum 6 digits, no periods required (i.e. 123456 instead of 1234.56)
- Only mandatory if shipping with USPS International postage or to a military (APO/DPO) or U.S. territory (i.e. Guam, Hawaii) address
- Item_sku
When using the advanced CSV template the recipient name, address, package weight & dimensions must be entered on the first shipment item. It can be duplicated for the remaining items however not mandatory.
For example:
- Order_id 133 duplicates the weight and dimensions for each item contained in this shipment - the weight dimensions entered should be the package weight and dimensions not for the individual items
- Order_id 8787 only has the weight and dimension on the first line item with the remaining items blank
Standard Template *Will be discontinued September 2 | Advanced Template | Explanation |
name | name | recipient's name |
address_1 | address_1 | recipient's address street |
address_2 | address_2 | recipient's address street additional information |
city | city | recipient's address city |
province_code | province_code | recipient's address province cod (required for U.S. and Canada) |
postal_code | postal_code | recipient's address postal code / zip code (required for U.S. and Canada) |
country_code | country_code | recipient's address country code |
phone | phone | Required for international addresses* |
customer_email | customer_email | recipient’s email address |
Standard Template | Advanced Template | Explanation |
package_contents | package_contents | description of contents (e.g. Merchandise, Documents) |
description detailed list of each item contained with quantities | item_description detailed description of each item | Provide a detailed description of the item. Vague descriptions can cause delays to your shipments. Must be a minimum of 3 characters in length and provided in English For example: Toy is too generic. Rather electronic car toy or stuffed baby doll. Reference our blog for additional tips on acceptable shipment descriptions. Standard CSV: semicolons ";" can be used to separate the items of a list (required for international shipments with multiple items) Advanced CSV: each item should be entered as a separate line with a corresponding detailed description. |
value | item_unit_value | retail value (Wholesale values are not acceptable) Advanced CSV: Retail value per piece, not total combined value. Wholesale values are not acceptable. |
value_currency | value_currency | currency for retail value |
order_store | order_store | optional store type from provided list |
order_id | order_id | associated order ID for selected store type Advanced CSV: Mandatory order ID associated with your shipment. Must be unique within the same order_store. Important: The same order ID must be used for each shipment item if there are multiple items in one order/package. If there is no order id for your shipment designate a number to associate all items for the same shipment since this is a required field |
vat_reference | vat_reference | IOSS number or other tax reference number (required for international addresses*)
sku | item_sku | your custom identifiers for tracking your inventory (optional) |
n/a | item_hs_code | Minimum 6 digits, no periods required (i.e. 123456 instead of 1234.56) Only mandatory if shipping with USPS International postage or to a military (APO/DPO) or U.S. territory (i.e. Guam, Hawaii) address. |
n/a | item_country_of_origin | Use two-letter code of the item's county of manufacture. If unsure, leave blank. |
n/a | item_manufacturer_id | Maximum 20 characters Mandatory for DDP U.S. Postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_contact | Name of the Manufacturer Maximum 35 characters Mandatory only for DDP U.S. Postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_address_1 | (Street address in the origin country) Maximum 35 characters Mandatory only for DDP U.S. Postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_address_2 | (Second Address line) Maximum 35 characters Optional |
n/a | item_manufacturer_city | City of the country of origin Maximum 17 characters Mandatory only for DDP U.S. postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_postal_code | Postal Code of the Country of Origin Maximum 9 characters Mandatory only for DDP U.S. Postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_province_code | Province/State of the Country of Origin Maximum 9 characters Mandatory only for DDP U.S. Postage |
n/a | item_manufacturer_phone | Phone number of the Manufacturer Maximum 14 characters Optional |
n/a | item_manufacturer_email | Email of the Manufacturer Maximum 70 characters Optional |
Standard Template | Advanced Template | Explanation |
postage_type | postage type value from provided list | |
cheapest_postage_type_requested | cheapest_postage_type_requested | if desired, set to yes and set postage_type to unknown (U.S. shipments only) |
signature_requested | signature_requested | optional signature confirmation (where available); defaults to no if left blank, set yes if desired |
insurance_requested | insurance_requested | optional insurance; defaults to account preference if left blank. Set yes if desired, or no if not desired. |
ship_date | ship_date | the date you are dropping your packages off at Chit Chats (up to a maximum of 7 days later) |
duties_paid_requested | duties_paid_requested | option to access duties paid postage for international shipments (requires vat_reference be provided); defaults to no if left blank, set yes if desired |
3. Download document as CSV file
Skip this step if you chose the option to download the template as a file in Step 1.
Once all the shipments have been added to the document, download as CSV format from File > Download as > Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)
4. Upload the file to Chit Chats
Once the file is saved, go to the Upload a file page within your account and follow the instructions on screen.
If there are any issues in the sheet's formatting or there are postage type errors then no shipments will be imported and the importer will display error messages to help you resolve the issues. Check out common errors when importing and how to resolve them.
Note: Any shipments where postage rates were not available at the time of import will be imported with "unknown" postage. After importing manually, select the postage for these shipments so that you can buy and print postage labels.
5. Editing Shipments
Before completing your import you'll be asked if you want to edit your shipment or apply a preset. We'll record these changes as well as the original description for your reference in the shipment sidebar menu.
Content descriptions and retail values for your international shipments during import works a bit differently than U.S. and Canadian shipments. Presets will not be available as you must provide a detailed customs description including specific quantity and retail value for each item in every international shipment you import.
You can learn more about editing international shipments here.
Remember shipment descriptions must be provided in English. Providing a second language is optional. This is because English is the designated language for our international shipping partners which also include any U.S. bound shipments.
6. Printing Shipping Labels
After importing your shipments onto the platform, you'll have the ability to print all of the imported orders. To determine the printing order of your labels, follow these steps:
- sort the CSV using the "name" column
- sort the shipment table using the "recipient" column
This process enables you to track the printed contents and pack your packages accordingly, as they will follow the same order as the CSV file. We suggest that you print a maximum of 100 labels at a time in order to avoid any unexpected errors.