Delivery times are always estimated and never guaranteed. If you have questions regarding the delivery of your shipment, please consult your tracking information for the latest updates on the status of your package. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to process your shipments as quickly as possible.

Not all deliveries happen as expected and sometimes this will prompt a shipment to be returned. There are two main reasons for return shipments: 

  1. Undeliverable shipments (RTS)
  2. Customer returns

We are unable to advise why your shipment was returned. You can confirm the reason for the return by checking what is detailed on the shipment once received.

Undeliverable Shipments

A shipment may be returned as undeliverable for any of the following reasons:

  • Incorrect postage 
  • Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address
  • Missing unit or apartment number 
  • Addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased)
  • Mail unclaimed by recipient
  • Mail refused by the addressee at the time of delivery
  • Mail refused by the addressee after delivery (when permitted by the carrier)

Carriers will attempt delivery and if any of the above apply, the shipment may be returned to sender (RTS).  Additionally, if "Return Service Requested" is indicated on the label of the shipment, any change with the address or inability to deliver it to the original address will result in it being returned to the sender. The shipment will then be rerouted to the return address on the postage label. Once the carrier initiates a RTS, they are unable to halt the process. At this time, you can track the status of your return on your tracking page.  

A U.S. return address is required for U.S. and international shipments. By default Chit Chats provides a U.S. return address for your shipments. However, if you have a U.S. address and want to manage your own returns, this address can be changed in your Settings. If you prefer to not receive undeliverable returns, update your settings to use our disposal address. Please note that if your shipment is deemed undeliverable for any reason, the postage will not be refunded and you will be responsible for any fees that incur to return the package. 

For Canadian shipments, the default return address is a Chit Chats Hub address. This address cannot be changed in your Settings.

There is no return service for Chit Chats International Tracked postage at this time.

Learn more about the options for how we can process your returns.

Customer Returns

Imagine your customer receives their item but realizes that they ordered the wrong size. You might expect the customer to initiate a return, even though the shipment was successfully delivered. These types of returns are often called ‘customer returns’.

In such cases your customers may create new postage for the return addressed to you, the sender. Chit Chats return labels are an easy and flexible way to manage customer returns right from your Chit Chats account. Learn more about Chit Chats return labels. 

We charge a return fee to process customer returns or any Canadian shipments not originally sent through Chit Chats

If you are using a Chit Chats’ U.S. return address for your U.S. customer returns, this means your returns will be managed by Chit Chats and you will be required to submit a Power of Attorney document and register with CARM with CBSA.  We do not permit the use of our U.S. return address for the purpose of importation. In other words, returned shipments that were originally sent through Chit Chats can only be processed at our U.S. address (our warehouse).  If you need to send a package to Canada or have returned shipments not originally shipped via Chit Chats, you must arrange an alternative method on your own.

All return shipments must be able to be associated with a Chit Chats account (either with client ID or client account name). If a return is unidentifiable or cannot be associated with an account, it will be disposed of or rejected.